Webinar: How CFOs Can Maximize Margins with Contract Intelligence


Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) 101 for Manufacturing

Contracts touch every part of a manufacturer's value chain. These strategic documents define what you buy, what you sell, and how you run. See why Icertis is the right CLM technology to transform your contracts into business value.

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Key Findings

Contract Intelligence could save your organization millions each year


World Commerce & Contracting
Organizations see an average 8% revenue erosion from their contracts due to mismanagement


Harvard Business Review
Potential losses per contract prevented through effective contract administration


Administrative costs associated with contracts are reduced through implementing automation

Next Steps

Manufacturing Industry

Leading manufacturing companies are embracing Contract Intelligence

Icertis Contract Intelligence brings AI-powered contract digitization, contract-centric sourcing and new insights to help manufacturing companies lower costs, reduce supplier risk, and accelerate time-to-market.

Learn more

Icertis Contract Intelligence

Standardize, streamline, and automate every contract – everywhere

Transforming contracts into structured, connected, and on-demand data is just the beginning. Discover the power of intelligent contract creation, automation, and insights to realize the full intent and maximize the value of every contract, clause, and obligation across the enterprise.

Explore Icertis Contract Intelligence