REPORT: 2025 Annual ProcureCon Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) Report

Podcast: Why ‘Contracting Is Having Its Day' Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

Icertis’ Lead Evangelist Bernadette Bulacan recently joined the Legal Tech Made Simple podcast to discuss the role contract management software is playing as companies react to the COVID-19 outbreak.

As Bernadette puts it in the podcast, “Business must continue. Contracting must continue. Contracting is having its day.”

Other highlights from the interview include:

  • How legal has reacted to the demands COVID-19 has put on their departments and their companies;
  • How forward-thinking legal ops departments have pushed the state of contract lifecycle management forward;
  • Why enterprise contract management is proving to be a critical tool to maintain business continuity;
  • What legal departments can do now to prepare for the next unexpected event.

Listen to the full podcast above, and find more information about contracts and COVID-19 here.