After all the challenges we faced in 2020, 2021 dawned with new hope as vaccination drives gained momentum. Despite a new wave of infections impacting many places around the world, we continue to feel cautiously optimistic as business sentiment and economic growth have surged on the back of these successful vaccination campaigns.
We at Icertis are committed to doing our part in beating the COVID-19 outbreak, and to help encourage the vaccination efforts we recently hosted our very own Icertis Vaccination Drive in Pune. The clinic, held April 10th in partnership with Sahyadri Hospitals, was open to all Icertians and their loved ones based in Pune above the age of 45, as mandated by the Government of India. The vaccination drive was a huge success and we vaccinated more than 50 employees and their families!
This vaccine drive was just our latest effort in wearing what we call the "Four Rings of Responsibility":
Since its founding, Icertis has been more than just an organization – for us, it is family. The Icertis Vaccine Drive was an opportunity for us to #takecareoffamily and help our employees #takecareofself.
We've seen great success thanks to the Four Rings of Responsibility. By requesting every Icertian to prioritize self, family, community, and business, in that order, we moved from strength to strength as an organization.
Of course, it's not enough for only Icertians and their families to get vaccinated. The fight against the virus is a community effort! In our continuing efforts to #takecareofcommunity through giving programs, we recently contributed to Sahyadri Hospitals’ efforts to rein in COVID-19. Sahyadri Hospitals offers a dedicated facility to treat poor patients under the government-backed Ayushman Bharat scheme, which makes healthcare accessible and affordable. Amid increasing hospitalizations in Pune, our contribution will help Sahyradi increase resources for intensive care services provided for the needy.
At Icertis, we say the key to execution is "focus, follow-up, follow-through – fast." We see vaccinations as the key to "following-through" in the effort to vanquish COVID-19. As we enter this hopefully final stage, we are confident that as a nation in general, and as a family in particular, we will emerge victorious.