Webinar: How CFOs Can Maximize Margins with Contract Intelligence

Procurement Sourcing For Contracts

Streamline the Source-to-Contract Process With Contract-Centric Sourcing

The Icertis ICI Sourcing App delivers better supply chain performance, contract compliance, and collaboration.

Watch a short video to learn more

The Challenge

Traditional approaches to sourcing lack contract centricity

Today’s sourcing organizations are being asked to move faster than ever to source the materials needed by their companies. It’s a difficult position to be in. Under the current sourcing paradigm, the multi-step process of securing the right vendor is time-consuming, and can still expose a company to risk and leakage.

The Solution

Icertis Sourcing Application

There’s a better way: contract-centric sourcing. The ICI Sourcing application, built on the Icertis Contract Intelligence (ICI) platform, places contracts at the center of the sourcing process, ensuring compliance, minimizing risk, and providing a holistic view of supplier relationships. This new paradigm can save millions in leakage and accelerate the buying process, while also improving relationships with vendors and optimizing supply chain performance.

Featured Case Study

​From sourcing to contracting, we have gained speed. But it has also made us safer. We have our risks transparent, we have our process transparent, and our buyers like the software. It’s easy to use."
Ulrich Ochmann
Product Owner Contracting, New Procurement System

The Benefit

Accelerate the buying process and invigorate supply chain performance

Efficient Processes

Improve process efficiencies, manage risk, and increase compliance

Deeper Supplier Collaboration

Enable deeper collaboration with suppliers

Create New Savings

Create new opportunities for savings across sourcing categories

Standardize Sourcing Process

Model sourcing processes based on your best practices

Flexible Process Configuration

Quickly change system process configuration based on business needs

Cloud-Based Solution

Leverage a cloud-based solution to ensure rapid implementation and quick ROI