Webinar: How CFOs Can Maximize Margins with Contract Intelligence

Dr. Rolf Schwartmann

Information Security Advisor

Dr. Rolf Schwartmann is a professor at the TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences of Cologne). He specializes in data protection and Internet law. He is chairman of the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security e.V. (GDD), was a member of the German government’s data ethics commission, and is a member of the Advisory Council “Media-Digital-Land NRW.” Dr. Schwartmann is an expert of the German University Association for IT and Data Law and a member of the Helmholtz Pandemic Expert Group. He is also the author and editor of numerous publications on data protection and media law, including Schwartmann/Jaspers/Thüsing/Kugelmann (eds.), DS-GVO (GDPR) und BDSG, Heidelberger Kommentar, Schwartmann/Pabst (eds.), LDG NRW (2020); Schwartmann (eds.), Praxishandbuch Medien, IT und Urheberrecht.

After achieving his doctorate at the University of Cologne, and before his habilitation at the University of Mainz, Dr. Schwartmann was a lawyer in Cologne. He holds the Venia Legendi for Public Law, and International, and European Law, and heads the Cologne Research Center for Media Law.